James, Brian and Alex are at DjangoCon and we're looking forward to seeing a bunch of old friends and making some new ones. Oh, and we're also giving some talks.

James Tauber is giving three talks, a State of Pinax, and introductory tutorial talk on Pinax (with Danny Greenfeld) and a short talk on how to contribute to Pinax.

Brian Rosner is giving a talk on Deploying Django which will include some of how we do stuff here at Eldarion.

Alex Gaynor will be talking with the other Google Summer of Code students on his contributions to Django core over the summer.

We'll all also be hacking on Django and Pinax during the sprints.

Oh, and be sure to check out [[http://djangodose.com/djangocon/]] for the latest tweets about DjangoCon. The site was built by Brian and Alex along with Eldarion friends Eric Florenzano and Greg Newman.