2011 was the year Eldarion really got into the groove of taking ideas to launch faster—for our clients, our partners and ourselves.
What did we achieve in 2011?
- grew from 2 full-time employees to 5 (augmented with a great team of contractors)
- raised $500k in angel funding
- developed the backend for DjangoCon 2011, the full site for [[http://us.pycon.org/2012/|PyCon 2012]] and open sourced the code as [[https://github.com/pinax/symposion|Symposion]] for other conferences to use
- released [[http://eldarion.com/open-source/|open-source Django apps]] such as agon, agon-ratings, anafero, dialogos, django-boxes, django-chunked-uploads, django-partitions, django-reminders, kairios, kaleo, mailout, marturion, metron, phileo and user_messages (all of which came out of either client work or our own sites)
- launched [[https://gondor.io|Gondor]], now used for hosting hundreds of Django sites around the world
- partnered with Rackspace (initially in their Cloud Tools Program but most recently as a Silver Partner)
- developed a new site, [[http://kodenode.com/|KodeNode]], currently in private beta
- launched [[http://typewar.com/|Typewar]] Quests
- ran another [[http://apple.dyaso.com/|Apple Predictions]] for the October 2011 Special Event
- launched a complete redesign of [[http://quisition.com/|Quisition]]
- and one more thing we'll be announcing on January 3rd
Thanks again to our customers, clients, users and and all our supporters. I think 2012 is going to be a very exciting year at Eldarion!