2012 was another great year for Eldarion, taking more clients from idea to launch and releasing more open source apps and sites of our own.
Some highlights:
- Our PaaS solution [[https://gondor.io/|Gondor]] expanded from Django hosting to supporting any Python web framework using WSGI.
- We launched [[http://eldarion.com/symposion/|a conference management solution]], Symposion, now in use by conferences around the world.
- We developed and launched our habit-tracking site, [[https://habitualist.com/|Habitualist]].
- We developed and launched a new publishing platform, [[https://thoughtstreams.io/|ThoughtStreams]].
- We resumed work on our suite of tools for film production management, freshly branded as [[http://production.io|production.io]].
- We redesigned the Eldarion.com website and blog to better highlight [[http://eldarion.com/consulting/|what sets us apart]].
- We worked on over 30 [[http://eldarion.com/open-source/|open source projects]] including new ones such as [[https://github.com/eldarion/django-intercom-io|django-intercom-io]], [[https://github.com/eldarion/bootstrap-ajax|bootstrap-ajax]] and [[https://github.com/eldarion/django-stripe-payments|django-stripe-payments]].
- Our team participated in [[http://www.julython.org/|Julython]] and received the highest team score for commits to open source Python projects.
- Our typeface-guessing game, [[http://typewar.com|Typewar]] hit 10 million questions asked.
Thanks again to all our supporters. Here's to an even better 2013!