Not only are we sponsoring PyTennessee this year but will be hosting a sprint. Instead of a typical sprint focused on a particular project we want to offer a range of projects to help developers from beginners to advanced.

You might be a beginner who is just trying to learn Python. Perhaps, you are a fairly seasoned developer but new to open source. Maybe you are already established as an open source contributor but just want something to hack on.

It doesn't matter.

Michael Trier and myself will be hacking on Pinax and Eldarion open source and invite you to join us. We can provide Python help to the beginner, engineering help to the seasoned developer, and ideas of what to hack on for the established open source hacker, or any combination. Our main goal for these sprints is to get everyone more involved doing open source.

We would prefer that people hack on stuff they are truly fired up about, whether it's a new idea you want to start, a favorite project you want to contribute to, or picking through a menu of tasks we have already curated to give you some inspiration and choice of where to start.

We have a curated Trello board to help get folks started who know they want to hack but are not really sure where to get started. We will likely be adding to this continually.

If you'll be hacking with us during the sprints email me and let me know and I can add you to the board. It's viewable to the public but if you are on the board then you can claim cards for yourself so that we don't have multiple people working on the same thing.

We hope you'll join us!