Anna Ossowski Joins as Community Manager
An open source project is a lot more than code—it’s a community. And in the past, the Pinax core developers haven’t done as good a job as they needed to on building a great community. I started to think about how Eldarion could help.
James Tauber10 August, 2015
Eldarion Announces Package Pricing
Based on six years of working with clients that run the range from startups, accelerators and established businesses, we have designed four consulting packages to make it even easier for entreprenuers and companies to take their ideas to launch, faster.
Tom Bennett11 June, 2015
Eldarion Survey: Apple and the Open Source Community
Open source devotees aren’t quite as addicted to Apple as most people online, but they still use Apple products overwhelmingly over competing products from other vendors. How do we know that? We asked!
Tom Bennett1 June, 2015
Migrations and Missing Constraints in Django 1.7
There is an issue with migrations that crops up in a specific scenario in Django 1.7. While it is documented, we first became aware of it when doing a round of project upgrades to Django 1.8.
Patrick Altman4 May, 2015
How We Use Trello: Acceptance Criteria
A critical component to any software development process is ensuring clarity around the expectations of a requested feature. In this post, we to increase flow and reduce frustrations with acceptance criteria.
Patrick Altman1 May, 2015
Eldarion Partners with Jumpstart Foundry
We have been champions for changing the way startups are built by applying our Idea to Launch, Faster process, tools and general philosophy in our approach to helping our clients launch. This summer, we have the opportunity to apply this approach at a broader level by partnering with our first accelerator, Jumpstart Foundry.
Patrick Altman28 April, 2015
Using Images in pinax-blog Posts
In pinax-blog (previously named biblion), there are extensions to the markup libraries that make including images simple and easy.
Patrick Altman22 April, 2015
Eldarion at PyTN 2015
Eldarion is proud to sponsor PyTN again this year. In addition, one of our very own will be giving a talk that you do not want to miss.
James Tauber5 February, 2015