bootstrap-ajax renamed to eldarion-ajax

A year ago, we published a library for doing declarative AJAX, called bootstrap-ajax. Recently, we renamed it to eldarion-ajax.
Patrick Altman12 July, 2013

Entry point hook for Django projects

The age old question of “How do I run code when Django starts?” may now be finally answered.
Brian Rosner14 February, 2013

Julython in January

One of the highlights of the Python community last year was Julython, a month-long initiative to encourage people to work more on their open source Python projects. As team winners last year, we were thrilled when the organizers announced they running Julython again January.
James Tauber6 February, 2013

How We Use Trello

We have used a host of tools in an effort to continually improve the process of delivering value to our clients. One of the most valuable tools has been Trello.
Patrick Altman16 January, 2013

2012 in Review

2012 was another great year for Eldarion, taking more clients from idea to launch and releasing more open source apps and sites of our own.
James Tauber15 January, 2013

What's New in kaleo 1.0

On Sunday afternoon, our Django app for site invitations, kaleo, got a 1.0 release and while it was feature complete, updates were made that were not backward compatible in an effort to make things cleaner and more consistent with other Pinax apps.
Patrick Altman14 January, 2013

Upgrades to Likes and Referrals

It is always fun to make new releases of our open source packages, however small. This week has seen two releases so far on two different projects.
Patrick Altman20 November, 2012

What We Used to Launch ThoughtStreams Quickly

With Pinax, Gondor, Twitter Bootstrap and a bunch of Django apps written by us or others, we can get to a minimum viable project very quickly. Here's how we did it on ThoughtStreams.
James Tauber13 November, 2012

Track Site Emails with SendGrid

Are you certain that email sent from your site was read, or even delivered? Now you can, with the help of SendGrid and one of Eldarion's latest open source contributions.
Patrick Altman8 November, 2012

A Live Demo of bootstrap-ajax

The small javascript plugin, bootstrap-ajax, has been one of our more popular open source contributions. In addition to documentation explaining it's use, there is now an online demo to see it in action.
Patrick Altman1 November, 2012

Easily Add Payments to your Django Site

Here at Eldarion, we launch a lot of sites—both for ourselves as well as for our clients. A large portion of these sites require some form of collecting payments. This used to be a painful and hard problem. Not anymore.
Patrick Altman23 October, 2012

The Eldarion Team Gets Out and About

Even though we're normally busy working away in our respective home offices, the team does occasionally get out to promote open source, entrepreneurship and what we're up to.
James Tauber18 October, 2012